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FILES=24 BUFFERS=308 If FILES=24 is already present, increase the number by D The CONFIG.SYS file must be on DOS disk used when you power up your8 computer. File I/O errors may result if not corrected.D Reboot using corrected CONFIG.SYS file before running this program.@ For further information see your Takin' Care of Business or DOS manual.U CF.DB TCB.CFG mm-dd-yy hh:mm:sste ###.## ##.### ###.### ####.### #####.### ####.## #####.## ######.## #######.## ########.## ######.### #######.### #########.## ###,###.## ####,###.## #,###,###.## ##,###,###.## ###,###,###.## ##,### ###,### ####,### #####,### ###,## ####,## #####,## ######,## #######,## ########,## ######,### #######,### #########,## ###.###,## ####.###,## #.###.###,## ##.###.###,## ###.###.###,## ####### ######## ######### ########## ########### ############ ############# ############## K5<.u .TMPP Enter Password Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password Hooper NON-REGISTERED COPY ) During your evaluation you have entered transactions.= We hope you have found this software suitable to your needs.2 To register your copy simply call us toll free at: 1-800-245-7789 (or 719-528-6500) to receive your complete registered legal copy. Wait.. 3 Wait.. Wait.. 0 You have entered over transactions!> You are violating EVALUATION aggreement by your continued use< of this software. To legally continue using Takin' Care of> Business, simply call us toll free at 1-800-245-7789 (or 719-/ 528-6500) to receive your own registered copy.'You are violating EVALUATION aggreementU File access denied (Read Only?) Unexpected end of file reading is not a valid help file#Insufficient memory for help system Help file missing, file: HELP ERROR Select Help Subject No help for topic U TCBCHN.EXE UL.EXE AR.EXE GL.EXE AP.EXE PR.EXE PS.EXE IN.EXE FU.EXE CK.EXE ORDER.EXE Please Wait Loading: TCB.EXE Loading: Elapsed Time: Hour Minute Second Goodbye from2T A K I N ' C A R E O F B U S I N E S S (R) Hooper International, Inc. P.O. Box 50200 Colorado Springs, CO 80949 USA"24 HOUR ORDER LINE: 1-800-245-7789"Business Office: (719) 528-6500"24 Hour BBS: (719) 528-8001"Technical Support: (719) 528-8989"24 Hour FAX line: (719) 528-8997*Also sold in: Australia, Canada, Sweden * and United Kingdom. *Contact Hooper for the dealer nearest you.OTakin' Care of Business is a registered trademark of Hooper International, Inc.U & 9 L _ r " , 6 ; O Y c q !3!M!]!g!u! 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